Maintenance methods of Mine Machinery General Parts
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Maintenance methods of Mine Machinery General Parts

By:Yantai Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubbrt Company
2013-11-19 | Browse the number (3457)

Mining machinery equipment is mainly responsible for the mine production task. Any link errors would reduce the efficiency of production, even cause the production line down, so the equipment must be selected carefully, and frequently check the equipment operation. So are mining machinery general parts, which are guarantee of the normal operation of mine machinery equipment.

Maintenance methods from Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery Company as follow:

1. Controlling temperature Each component of mining machinery has its own normal working temperature range. Don’t take overload operation at low temperature. Keep low-speed rewarming operation until the machine reaches the specified working temperature when starting machine. Prevent machine operating at high temperature, because it is easier to damage components. The staff should frequently check the various thermometers in the running process. For example: bearing and gear is easier to wear at -5 ℃ than at 3 ℃. When the oil temperature exceeds 55 ℃, the oil oxidation speed is faster.

2. Reducing corrosion Corrosion is identified that the failure phenomenon caused by chemical or electrochemical action between metal surfaces with the surrounding medium. This phenomenon will not only affect the surface of machinery, but also damage the internal machinery parts. For example, chemicals or moisture in the air fly into the machine and damage parts by long-term. This situation is usually invisible and intangible, which is more dangerous. Operators should take effective treatment to machine according to the local climate and pollution situation.

3. Working under normal load  Working load and properties of machine have a great influence on the mechanical loss. In general, the wear of the parts will increase along with the growth of load. When the load of components goes beyond the normal state, wear will become severer. So the operator must control equipment under stable load.

4. Keep machine reasonable lubrication Wear of mine machinery equipment is the main cause of limiting the various parts service life. The clients who want to solve wear problem should not only select sophisticated equipment, but also keep proper lubrication of machine. The fault of machine is usually due to poor lubrication. Lubricant can control components in the normal working and suitable working temperature. Therefore, it is important to choose reasonable and corresponding lubricant according to the machine types and environmental factors.

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