The wear – resistant slurry pump how to break through 50 m head?
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The wear – resistant slurry pump how to break through 50 m head?

By:Xinhai wear - resistant rubber company
2013-09-24 | Browse the number (4347)

Wear-resistant slurry pump lined with rubber was launched by Yantai Xinhai wear – resistant rubber company in recent years. According to the survey, the wear and corrosion resistance of alloy slurry pump in market is not very good, and service life is very short. The liners of alloy slurry pump are metal materials, so the liners are very heavy which is very difficult to replace. In order to solve these problems, Xinhai developed the wear – resistant rubber slurry.

The rubber liners of slurry pump are made by unique technology with 128% wear resistance, and prolong the service life of the pump

Wear – resistant rubber is very light and easy to install and maintain, but its head is limited within 50 m. If the head is over 50 m, the rubber impellers and sleeves would be out of shape, which impact the performance and limit the application.

The head of alloy slurry pump could reach 100 m. How to make the head of rubber slurry pump reach a high head? Xinhai adopts double stages method to improve the head of rubber slurry pump with maximum 70 m.

Although the head of wear – resistant slurry pump is not as high as the head of alloy slurry pump, the comprehensive advantages of rubber pump is stronger.

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